Invictus Clinics Sessions
USD $79.87 – USD $1,497.54
Session Menu
Duration 30min
Intention: Catch up with us for a focussed Q&A around any topic you wish to cover in the world of health & wellness as it applies to you. This is the perfect session for those who are ‘on the fence’, or those who have little to no presenting conditions, and simply want clarity on how to power up the body.
BioDynamic Breath L1
Duration: 60-90mins
Intention: The breath is a potent tool for tapping into our autonomic nervous system and degassing stressors that may have been left unresolved. It is a great modality for gaining clarity on situations or positions, as well as self-auditing. Come and learn the power of your breath.
BioDynamic Breath L2 (In-Clinic only)
Duration: 90-120mins
Intention: This session is designed for those looking to dig deeper into areas of their mind &/or physicality. This session provides a highly integral space allowing for free self-exploration around identity, unresolved traumas (complex & shock) & expansion. It is highly advised that you undergo an entry level breath session with us to ensure you get the most out of Breath L2.
Hypnotherapy L1
Duration: 45-60mins
Intention: Explore the depths of your psyche through the various lenses available to you with Hypnosis. From safely unpacking old trauma, letting go of beliefs & patterns that keep you playing small, to reprogramming addictive responses.
If you identify with any of the below, Hypnotherapy may be of service to you:
- Trauma
- Nail Biting
- Drug or Alcohol issues
- Smoking issues
- Obsessive Behaviours
- Self-Worth / Self Esteem issues
- Confidence Issues
- Relationship Issues
- Performance issues
Hypnotherapy L2
Duration: 90-120mins
Intention: All elements Hypnotherapy L1, with a detailed personality analysis included. This powerfully serves those who are unsure WHY they feel, or do, what they do.
Discovery & Strategy Session L1
Duration: 45mins
Intention: Using the correlation of discussion & iris analysis, we build a protocol that will improve your life conditions, as they apply to you. This session is suitable for those who have minor presenting conditions.
Session calls for Iris photos to be uploaded, while this is very helpful it is also not mandatory. If you choose to include your iris photos please take the pictures using the following instructions.
To take an Iris Photograph at home:
- Use a DSLR Camera with a 65mm Macro lens, or a good quality smart phone camera.
- Select a position to take the photos where there is no glare or window reflections bouncing off the eye, and a solid platform is available for the photographer to steady the camera.
- Using a pen light, or similar, shine light across the eye at approx. 30 degrees to illuminate the fibres of the Iris.
- Hold the eye open, taking the shot of the entire iris.
NB: photographer should move the camera as close as possible to the objective, taking the shot just before the picture starts to blur.
NB: The slightest movement, by the photographer or subject, when taking the shot will likely cause a blurry result. Reset and try again.
Discovery & Strategy Session L2
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Intention: This session is engineered to cater for those who are suffering chronic conditions. We review your pathology and any other relevant scans, correlate iris analysis, HRV analysis, detailed assessment and, if required, hair follicle sampling. The (D&S L2) is the first step in reclaiming your life.
Session calls for Iris photos to be uploaded, while this is very helpful it is also not mandatory. If you choose to include your iris photos please take the pictures using the following instructions.
To take an Iris Photograph at home:
- Use a DSLR Camera with a 65mm Macro lens, or a good quality smart phone camera.
- Select a position to take the photos where there is no glare or window reflections bouncing off the eye, and a solid platform is available for the photographer to steady the camera.
- Using a pen light, or similar, shine light across the eye at approx. 30 degrees to illuminate the fibres of the Iris.
- Hold the eye open, taking the shot of the entire iris.
NB: photographer should move the camera as close as possible to the objective, taking the shot just before the picture starts to blur.
NB: The slightest movement, by the photographer or subject, when taking the shot will likely cause a blurry result. Reset and try again.
Breakthrough Coaching
Duration: As required, up to 8hrs.
Intention: To pull out all the stops and do whatever is necessary to create massive positive change in your life. Inquire via the contact form below for more information if you wish…. Or, simply make the booking and show up ready to expand your world!
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